Chief Executive Officer, Aerovision Technology Limited

Ir Dr Angus Cheung is a Chartered Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineer with over 30 years of technical and senior managerial experience in aviation, aircraft engineering and artificial intelligence. He is a Fellow of Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), Institution of Engineers, Australia, Hong Kong Institute of Directors and Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.
Angus was the Chief Executive Officer of China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) until his retirement in January 2020. He joined CASL in 1997 to build up the company from just a handful number of staff to over 1,300. Under his management. the company has always been profitable with numerous awards received in relation to safety, innovation, and corporate social responsibility. Angus was also a Director of Shanghai Eastern Aircraft Maintenance Limited, which is a joint venture between China Eastern Airlines and CASL. He is now the CEO of Aerovision Technology Limited and Director of Great Link Engineering Limited.
Angus graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and holds a Master of Science (Engineering) degree from University of Hong Kong (HKU) and a Master of Business Administration degree from Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received his Engineering Doctorate and Post Doctorate qualifications from Warwick University and Oxford University in the areas of artificial intelligence respectively.
Angus is enthusiastic in promoting aviation, innovation and technology development in Hong Kong. Apart from being the President of Hong Kong Aviation Industry Association, he is a member of the Aviation Development and Three Runways System Advisory Committee under the HKSAR Government’s Transport and Logistics Bureau, Director of Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre Limited and Advisory Committee Member of Hong Kong Centre for Logistics Robotics. In addition, he was member of Hong Kong Airport Technology Advisory Council and Steering Committee member of Hong Kong International Aviation Academy, Past Council member, Discipline Representative and Division Chairman of HKIE and Past Chairman of IET(HK).
For education, Angus is the Advisory Committee Chairman of Mechanical Engineering Department, Industrial Advisor of Intellectual Property Assessment Committee of PolyU, Industrial Advisory Committee Member of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of HKUST and Aerospace Engineering Department of RMIT University of Australia, Advisory Committee member of Industrial Manufacturing and System Engineering Department of HKU and Mechanical Engineering Department of City University of Hong Kong. On top of the above, he has been appointed Industrial Fellow of Warwick University, Visiting Professor of China Aviation University, Adjunct Professor of PolyU, and Distinguished Professor of City University of Macau.
He was awarded “China’s Outstanding Persons for Enterprise Innovation of the Year” in 2010, “China Economic Personage” in 2015, and “Outstanding Mechanical Engineering Alumni” from PolyU in 2017. Angus has also been appointed as a member of the Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of Shenyang since 2018.
Mr Wong holds a Master’s degree in Business Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, both earned in Hong Kong.
張謙華博士 工程師是英國和澳洲的特許機械工程師、電機工程師及工業工程師,擁有超過三十年在航空、飛機工程和人工智能方面的技術和高層管理工作經驗。 他是香港及海外多個專業機構的資深會員,包括英國工程及科技學會、英國機械工程師學會、香港工程師學會以及澳洲工程師學會。 他亦為香港董事學會及運輸物流學會資深會員。
他由1997年起擔任中國飛機服務有限公司(中飛公司)行政總裁直至2020年1月退休。 公司由成立初期員工屈指可數,發展至超過一千三百名員工。公司在他領導下年年盈利,而且在安全管理,創新及企業社會責任方面獲獎無數。 他亦是中國東方航空公司與中飛公司合資成立之上海東方飛機維修公司的董事。目前他分別擔任航景科技有限公司行政總裁及偉展工程有限公司董事。
張博士畢業於香港理工大學,並持有香港大學工學碩士及香港中文大學工商管理碩士學位。 其後在人工智能研究方面更獲得英國華威大學工程博士及英國牛津大學博士後學歷。
張博士一直積極推動香港航空業與及工程和科技的發展。 除了擔任香港航空業協會會長外,他亦是政府運輸及物流局屬下航空發展及三跑道系統咨詢委員會委員、物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心有限公司董事,並曾擔任香港機場技術咨詢委員會成員、香港國際航空學院的督導委員會委員和香港學術及職業資歷評審局的行業/學科專家,香港工程師學會理事及分部主席和工程及科技學會香港分會會長等職務。
在教育方面,他目前身兼香港理工大學機械工程學系顧問委員會主席及知識產權評審委員會業界委員,香港科技大學機械及航空航天工程學系和澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學航天工程學系顧問委員會業界委員,香港大學工業生產及系統工程學系及香港城市大學機械工程學系的顧問委員會成員。 張博士亦為英國華威大學工業院士,香港理工大學和中國民航大學的客座教授與及澳門城市大學特聘教授。
張博士致力推動創新科技和企業發展,並獲中國生產力學會頒授「2010年度中國企業創新優秀人物」榮譽稱號。 除此之外,他在2015年亦獲得由中國經濟日報和中國經濟訊息局所頒授的「中國經濟名人」稱號。 另外,在2017年他亦獲得香港理工大學頒發「傑出機械工程畢業生」的獎項。 他從2018年開始一直擔任瀋陽市政協委員。